what we do

regeration program

The F.A.R.M. is a VERY structured faith-based addiction regeneration ministry that requires a 12 month commitment.  Men in the program are expected to journal, take classes, work, and be under spiritual authority & accountability at all times.  We teach that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the way to overcome addiction and live a peaceful life.

A Christ-centered Regeneration Program is distinctly different than secular recovery approaches.  It includes material learned from the scientific community while centering on a man’s relationship with God and his need for reconciliation and spiritual healing.  Regeneration and rehabilitation differ in that the man is not only restored to a former state, but he becomes a new man in Christ that has learned to be at peace and gain freedom from his struggles.

† Our Regeneration Program requires a 12-month commitment †

5 phases of the program

INDUCTION begins with a 4-6 week period where the man will begin to develop his relationship with the Lord and gain an understanding of the F.A.R.M. program.

ORIENTATION is the next 4-6 week period where the man writes a personal contract stating specific achievable goals he intends to attain during the remainder of the program.

REGENERATION begins the first 10–12 week block where Biblical counseling, classroom teaching, and small groups are methods used to address the spiritual, mental, and physical issues involved with addiction.

 is the second 10–12 week block that involves the process where the man learns that forgiveness is the key to spiritual maturity and that the cross is the focal point for all forgiveness.

DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING is the last 10–12 week block where the man learns to take his focus off his addiction and who he used to be and learns to walk in the truth of who God says he is.  Every man in the    program is assigned to a work task for   approximately five hours each day according to his physical ability and skills.  The purpose of this is to learn good work    ethics and apply relational skills in a   closely supervised environment.


Rebuilding hope where it’s been damaged or lost by working with men who want help, that are desperate & have been brought to their knees in one way or another due to having no control over their addiction and their life.


Our goal is to help create more godly men of character, integrity, and good moral values. We strive to raise up and disciple men who can, and will, make a difference in their own homes, families, and communities; men who place God first in their lives.
